Octella is the right choice for your company


Beneficial for everyone

Octella wants to change the principles of operation of the classic call center. Our solutions make processes understandable not only to technical people but to everyone- regardless of whether they are marketing, sales, or other field specialists

Streamlining processes

We offer the best solutions to achieve your business goals, which not only allow you to achieve the desired metrics and financial results but also provide insights on how to optimize the call center and its workflow processes

Easy to use

Octella's developed system is understandable and easy to use, whether in small call centers with a few operators or in call centers with thousands of operators

We believe that by supporting our clients, we grow together as a team

  • Business Success

    We prioritize the business success of our clients

    We take the time to fully understand their needs and offer a personalized, rather than standardized, solution and approach that is suitable for everyone.

    Questions and Answers
  • Mutual Growth

    We grow together, staying ahead of the latest industry trends and innovations

    By keeping up with them, we are able to provide our clients with the most effective and tailored solutions to meet their needs.

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  • Security

    We have taken care of that

    The security of our clients and systems is one of the most important prerequisites to which we pay special attention and delve into. This includes certifications, GDPR compliance, as well as specific client requirements and business domain needs.

    Terms and conditions

Octella approach

Octopus + Telecommunications

Effortlessly maneuvering its tentacles, the octopus can smoothly navigate both in water, swimming through the depths, and on the ocean floor, crawling amidst rocks and cliffs. Its body is highly flexible, allowing it to quickly adapt to its environment and squeeze into narrow crevices between stones and rocks.

Similarly, the Octella team excels at adapting to non-standard situations and finding solutions. Surprisingly, octopuses are capable of learning by observing and collaborating with other octopuses.

Observation and research play a significant role in Octella's work, as only by understanding our clients' businesses and needs can we provide the best solutions.

Our Experience

More than 25 years of experience in the industry

The Octella team has over 25 years of experience in developing, implementing, and maintaining call center software. We have gained expertise through numerous local projects as well as engagements outside of Europe

Global solutions

We have experience collaborating with operators in other countries to enable our clients to make international calls at local rates, as well as adapting infrastructure for use in different countries

Attention to detail

Our accumulated experience and our team's drive for development guarantee that we can offer the best solution for projects of any complexity. We pay attention to details and processes

On the 11 th of October 2022 “The One’’ Ltd. has signed an agreement Nr. SKV-L-2022/513 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for the project "International competitiveness promotion", which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.

Contact Us


+447 915 608 556

+141 5376 3884

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