Debt collection

The key to successful debt collection lies in the active and precise planning involved in human resources managemet. We worked with several industry players to create a platform that enables you to track the results of each employee and team. It can also automate processes - set up automativ calling, robocalls, notifications, etc. The platform tracks call quality and preemtively prevents dishonorable or incompetent employee behavior.

If you're a debt collector or lender that handles debt collection processes, we can work together to create a full-cycle soft collection strategy to help you reach new heights with your KPIs. Book a conversation with one of our debt collection specialists and find out more about which solutions could be used to improve your business.

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Debt collection companies most frequently use the following Octella features:

use of quality numbers that prevent the customer from identifing the caller
autodialer (text to speech or audio), splitting campaigns according to operator portfolios
specially adapted texts with unique customer data
option to connect to an employee conversation during communication with a customer

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